We use NCrunch a lot, and really like it. However, we also test ServiceStack-based sites with it, in-process. ServiceStack 3.9.x has a static that gets in the way when running lots of end-to-end tests in parallel - the exception is
Code:System.IO.InvalidDataException: System.IO.InvalidDataException : HttpListenerBase.Instance has already been set
at ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.Support.HttpListenerBase.Init()
We've done one thing to randomise the port on which the ServiceStack AppHost listens, when the test spins up the listener, so we don't get port conflicts. Our tests are xunit 1.9.x based.
We want to keep NCrunch cranked up to 11, running all our tests in parallel - but we'd also like it to be intelligent enough to be told that if it sees that stacktrace (well, a regex would be ample), it should retry that test before marking it as failed.
We'd like the retries to be configurable, and have some input into the scheduler - in our case, we'd want to wiggle around the tests so that the ones that fail for this reason are scheduled to not necessarily run concurrently, since the chances of passing are then higher.
Or, perhaps there's something odd going on in that one test is starting before a previous test is all the way torn down...?