I got the following test:
public void parameter_with_space_cannot_be_a_parameter_revert_it_to_text()
var sut = new StringFormatter();
var result = sut.Format("Hello {{{name}}}! {stupid } strange}", new { name = "Jonas" });
result.Should().Be("Hello {Jonas}! {stupid } strange}");
It runs OK in the Resharper test runner and produces a correct error:
Expected string to be
"Hello {{Jonas}}! {{stupid }} strange}}" with a length of 33, but
"Hello {{Jonas}}! {{stupid strange}}" has a length of 32.
However, if I hover over the NCrunch red "X" I get the following:
And when I click on the X:
If I click on the link in the above screenshot I get the complete message:
Can you at least show the first couple of lines when hovering or clicking on the X?