With NamedTestSelector and RegexTestSelector, I can ignore a single test or a collection of tests, but I can't see a way to ignore a Category (using the NUnit categories as described at
http://www.ncrunch.net/d...oncepts_test-categories ). I have a category of integration tests called "Database", which I don't want to run all the time, and certainly not when I'm out of the office and without network connection.
I understand that I can create an engine mode so that this category of tests is not run automatically, but I'm really interested in completely ignoring these tests altogether. If they've been run at all, manually, perhaps by accident, while I'm offline, they'll leave the Red Ring of Shame at the bottom of my IDE :(
That more complicated part of this equation might be having ignore presets that I can switch between depending on whether I'm in the office or not. That would be great.
I'm thinking the analogous work flow from the pre-NCrunch days would be that when I'm in the office, I manually run "nunit-console.exe myassembly.dll" frequently, and when I'm out of the office, I manually run "nunit-console.exe myassembly.dll /exclude:Database" frequently.