Hey there, I've got some unit tests written in F# that have special characters in the name. They show up in the tests list as running, but never finish and don't seem to show in the running test count. I'm on NCrunch with Visual Studio 2013.
Here's a quick example,
namespace ``Example Equality Tests``
open System
open FsUnit.MsTest
open Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting
type public ``Equality Given a String`` () =
member public x.``Test with ()`` () =
"foobar" |> should equal "foobar"
member public x.``Test with ,`` () =
"foobar" |> should equal "foobar"
member public x.``Test with "`` () =
"foobar" |> should equal "foobar"
member public x.``Test with '`` () =
"foobar" |> should equal "foobar"
member public x.``Test with -`` () =
"foobar" |> should equal "foobar"
member public x.``Test with !`` () =
"foobar" |> should equal "foobar"
member public x.``Test with \`` () =
"foobar" |> should equal "foobar"
member public x.``Test with /`` () =
"foobar" |> should equal "foobar"