Hey Remco,
There seems to be a slight problem with the Teamcity notification integration. if my tests throw an exception then I don't get any report of an individual test failure, it tells me that they all passed, but the process exited with code 2 (which means tests failed). It seems that the data that NCrunch is outputting in the teamcity service message contains the stack trace and maybe this is causing it to not be able to parse it correctly. I get this error:
[2015-02-16 19:24:44,225] WARN - jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Invalid service message: ##teamcity[testFailed name='Hacapp.Web.Tests.UI.Features.Login.SocialLoginFeature.Should be able to log in with twitter' message='System.Exception: Unable to determine the TeamId for the user Bob in the environment (- BROKEN LINK -) details='System.Exception: Unable to determine the TeamIdfor the user Bob in the environment (- BROKEN LINK -) at Hacapp.Web.Tests.UI.Steps.TestSettings.GetTeamId(String userName) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\42101e219f1d86a6\Hacapp.web\Hacapp.Web.Tests.UI\Steps\TestSettings.cs:line 64|n at Hacapp.Web.Tests.UI.Steps.UserContext.WithCurrentUserCredentials(String userName) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\42101e219f1d86a6\Hacapp.web\Hacapp.Web.Tests.UI\Steps\UserContext.cs:line 14|n at Hacapp.Web.Tests.UI.Steps
.UserSteps.GivenIAmTheUser(String userName) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\42101e219f1d86a6\Hacapp.web\Hacapp.Web.Tests.UI\Steps\UserSteps.cs:line 18|n at lambda_method(Closure , IContextManager , String )|n at TechTalk.SpecFlow.Bindings.BindingInvoker.InvokeBinding(IBinding binding, IContextManager contextManager, Object[], error: java.text.ParseException: Value should end with "'"Valid property list format is (name( )*=( )*'escaped_value'( )*)* where escape symbol is "|"
Any idea?
Not a show stopper as the tests still fail correctly, I just can't see which test is actually failing. Otherwise the teamcity command line runner is sweet. sped my integration tests up at least 4 fold :).