I am running lots of tests which benefit from being run 'Isolated' (because they're testing embedded code which has lots of static state, and spinning-up a new process is the simplest way of avoiding interactions).
Am I right in thinking that if I put [Isolated] on a test fixture class, all the tests within that fixture share the same process? i.e. If I want
each test to be isolated, I need to remember to annotate each test individually? I think that's my reading of
http://www.ncrunch.net/d...work_isolated-attribute , anyway.
A couple of things:
* Am I right about the way it works?
* if I have '[Isolated]' on a base class which lots of test fixtures share, do they each run isolated, or do I need to mark each one?
* Could we have a 'IsolatedMembers' sort of attribute which individually isolated each test? (i.e. analogous to the effect of putting [Isolated] on an assembly, which apparently separately isolates each member fixture rather than the whole assembly.)
I understand the caveats about performance.