I think I am seeing the same issue myself so perhaps I can provide more information. It's not a big issue, just affects the code coverage report.
The problem is that in an xunit / nCrunch combination the MemberData used for a test in included in the code coverage report.
Therefore, you'll get less than 100% code coverage even if you have tested every method of every class.
For example, the static values below are all black circles in the sidebar (no coverage) whilst the test referencing the data has green circles.
public static IEnumerable<object[]> GoodLocationsKeyValueData()
yield return new object[] { "aplacename" };
yield return new object[] { "a-placename" };
yield return new object[] { "a-place-name" };
yield return new object[] { "a-four-part-name" };
yield return new object[] { "another four part name" };
public void Place_names_are_parsed_as_ok(string source)
var status = addressQualityChecker.StatusGuessFromSourceQuality(source);
Assert.Equal(AddressQualityStatus.OK, status);
It would be nice to get my code coverage to 100%, there may be another way of specifying the source test data that will enable this.