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Joined: 5/28/2012(UTC) Posts: 17 Location: Fortaleza, Ceara - Brasil
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I am using NCrunch Console Tool. Since that doesnt offer a result in xml with final coverage result I am using "RawCoverageResults.xml" to discover that, and using values to report to TeamCity writing on "teamcity-info.xml" file. You can check TeamCity documentation here: https://confluence.jetbr...hart-CustomBuildMetrics
But my ScriptCs script doesnt calculate the same final value that is generated in ncrunch html report, I wont use html to fill this info. Whats is wrong with my calculation code? There is some way to NCrunch Console write the teamcity-info.xml file with the code coverage statistic of teamcity? Code:
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
var path = Path.Combine(Env.ScriptArgs[0].ToString(), @"\RawCoverageResults.xml");
const string CLASS_IGNORE_PATTERN = @"(?<class>.+\.cs):";
const string PROJECT_IGNORE_PATTERN = @"^(?!.+?\.cs:).*\\(?<project>.+)\.csproj$";
const string FOLDER_IGNORE_PATTERN = @".+\\(?<folder>.+\.csproj\\.+)";
var mainElement = XElement.Load(Path.Combine(Env.ScriptArgs[1].ToString(), @"Nash\OnlyNash.v2.ncrunchsolution"));
var exclusoes = mainElement.DescendantsAndSelf("MetricsExclusionList").FirstOrDefault();
var blockedProjects = new List<string>();
var blocked = new List<string>();
if(exclusoes != null)
var content = exclusoes.Value.Trim();
var classesToIgnore = Regex.Matches(content, CLASS_IGNORE_PATTERN).Cast<Match>().Select(m => m.Groups["class"].Value).Distinct();
var projectsToIgnore = Regex.Matches(content, PROJECT_IGNORE_PATTERN, RegexOptions.Multiline).Cast<Match>().Select(m => m.Groups["project"].Value).Distinct();
var foldersToIgnore = Regex.Matches(content, FOLDER_IGNORE_PATTERN).Cast<Match>().Select(m => m.Groups["folder"].Value.Replace(".csproj","")).Distinct();
var sourceFileElements = XElement.Load(path)
.Where(x => !blockedProjects.Contains(x.Attribute("name").Value))
.Where(x => !blocked.Any(b => x.Attribute("path").Value.Contains(b)))
var lineElements = sourceFileElements
var totalLines = lineElements.Count;
var totalCoveredLines = lineElements
.Select(x => Math.Min(1, int.Parse(x.Attribute("coveringTests").Value)))
var totalClasses = sourceFileElements.Count;
var totalCoveredClasses = sourceFileElements
.Count(x => x.DescendantsAndSelf("line").Any(ele => ele.Attribute("coveringTests").Value != "0"));
var linesCoverage = (totalCoveredLines * 1.0) / (totalLines * 1.0);
var classesCoverage = (totalCoveredClasses * 1.0) / (totalClasses * 1.0);
var xElement = new XElement("build",
new XElement("statusInfo",
new XElement("text", string.Format("Coverage: {0:P}", linesCoverage),
new XAttribute("action", "append"))),
CreateStatisticElement("CodeCoverageC", (classesCoverage * 100).ToString("F", new CultureInfo("en-US"))),
CreateStatisticElement("CodeCoverageL", (linesCoverage * 100).ToString("F", new CultureInfo("en-US"))),
CreateStatisticElement("CodeCoverageAbsLCovered", totalCoveredLines.ToString()),
CreateStatisticElement("CodeCoverageAbsCCovered", totalCoveredClasses.ToString()),
CreateStatisticElement("CodeCoverageAbsLTotal", totalLines.ToString()),
CreateStatisticElement("CodeCoverageAbsCTotal", totalClasses.ToString()))
File.WriteAllText("teamcity-info.xml", xElement.ToString());
public XElement CreateStatisticElement(string key, string value)
var keyAttribute = new XAttribute("key", key);
var valueAttribute = new XAttribute("value", value);
return new XElement("statisticValue", keyAttribute, valueAttribute);
TeamCity code coverage stats:
- CodeCoverageB Block-level code coverage %
- CodeCoverageC Class-level code coverage %
- CodeCoverageL Line-level code coverage %
- CodeCoverageM Method-level code coverage %
- CodeCoverageAbsLCovered The number of covered lines int
- CodeCoverageAbsMCovered The number of covered methods int
- CodeCoverageAbsCCovered The number of covered classes int
- CodeCoverageAbsLTotal The total number of lines int
- CodeCoverageAbsMTotal The total number of methods int
- CodeCoverageAbsCTotal The total number of classes int