According to "Parallel Execution"
https://www.ncrunch.net/...pts_parallel-execution, it said that NCrunch will never run tests concurrently within the same process - so you don't need to be concerned about concurrent access to static members, etc.
But we are using xunit version 2.0 and it allows us to run the tests from different class (not just an assembly) run against each other in parallel. Is there any way to make NCrunch respect the parallel execution of test frameworks instead of coming up with its own parallel execution model?
We may use the different test frameworks and those frameworks supports different or same or similar way to execute the tests in parallel. Some frameworks might even allows user to override or configure how we want to execute the tests.
What I found so far with NCrunch is that it asks to set the concurrency options and I think that option might be different from what test framework that we use offer. So, we are able to run our tests from Visual Studio Test Explorer or Reshaper unit test running but some tests are failed randomly in NCrunch tests.
Is there any way to fix that issue? In other words, is there any way to make NCrunch to follow what I configure for xunit?