Thanks! The error message I receive from this code when testing it under the latest dev version of NCrunch is as follows:
System.InvalidOperationException: IExampleApi doesn't look like a Refit interface. Make sure it has at least one method with a Refit HTTP method attribute and Refit is installed in the project.
at Refit.RestService.For[T](HttpClient client, RefitSettings settings) in y:\code\paulcbetts\refit\Refit\RestService.cs:line 31
at Client.ApiFactory.CreateClient() in C:\Temp\nCrunchRefitAndNuget3-master\Client\IExampleApi.cs:line 31
at Client.Tests.SomeTests.ThisIsATest() in C:\Temp\nCrunchRefitAndNuget3-master\Client.Tests\SomeTests.cs:line 10
Is this the expected result of the code in its current state? It looks to be related to the endpoint/test. Is this the same problem you're experiencing, and can you confirm which version of NCrunch you're using?
I note that these projects are using project.json to reference their Nuget packages, so unless you're running
an early build of 2.20, NCrunch will likely bomb out with a DNX error.