If a project is using Build time transformations of web/app config then NCrunch can no longer build the projects.
Error is:
Could not write Destination file: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\LOCALUSERPATH\AppData\Local\NCrunch\6456\5\bin\Debug\VerifyNCrunchBuildFailure.exe.config'.
Steps to reproduce.
I have created a github repo to show the problem.
1. Create a solution. in this case a console app.
2. setup a test
3. enable NCrunch
4. verify that NCrunch runs the test. (this step relates to commit
https://github.com/Logik...9ac2ed4bc41bd4431b34540 )
5. use Fast Koala to enable BuildTime transformation of the app config using simple MsBuild tasks in the csproj file. (Fast koala here:
https://visualstudiogall...-4bb4-942f-d76526a922a0)6. Observe that NCrunch can no longer build the project but Visual studio and MSBuild can easily do it without error.
This relates to commit:
I did not have this issue in earlier version of NCrunch.
This issue is highly problematic and totally voids having NCrunch installed, so i really hope that this will be fixed soon.
System info.
Visual studio 2015 Update 2.
Kind regards