Hi Anees,
Thanks for submitting the report. Note that there isn't any mechanism through which it is currently possible to track these reports from your side, but they do all get investigated so they are worth reporting.
The report showed some strange behaviour in your test environment, but nothing out of the ordinary around your build system.
I think it may be worth doing a full reset of your NCrunch cache data. If this doesn't work, I would suggest also resetting your configuration.
To reset the NCrunch cache data, close the solution (or VS), then look for a directory under your solution directory called _NCrunch_SOLUTIONNAME. Delete or rename this directory, then try re-opening the solution and enabling NCrunch.
To reset NCrunch's configuration, browse to your solution directory and perform a search for all .ncrunchproject files underneath all directories. Deleting these files along with the .ncrunchsolution file adjacent to your solution will clear all NCrunch configuration for the solution and will set you back to defaults. Make sure the solution is closed when you do this.