I'm using NCrunch (latest version) to run a few hundred unit tests implemented with NUnit 3, Autofixture and the Autodata / AutoMoqData attributes. My tests always pass when running them sequentially, but when parallelizing them sometimes I get some random errors that seem to be related to multi-threading.
For instance this just failed once:
public async Task DownloadAddsAllNewEntitiesToRepository(
[Frozen] IApiCollectionProxy<Project> proxy,
[Frozen] IEntityService<Project> entityService,
List<Project> input,
ProjectsSyncManager sut)
var lastSyncTime = input.Min(e => e.LastChangeTime);
var proxyMock = Mock.Get(proxy);
var cancellationToken = CancellationToken.None;
proxyMock.Setup(p => p.LoadAllAsync(It.IsAny<Expression<Func<Project, bool>>>(), cancellationToken))
.Returns((Expression<Func<Project, bool>> exp, CancellationToken can) => Task.FromResult(input.Where(exp.Compile())));
Mock.Get(entityService).Setup(s => s.Exists(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(false);
Mock.Get(entityService).Setup(s => s.FindDuplicate(It.IsAny<Project>()))
.Returns((Project p)=>null);
await sut.DownloadAsync(2, lastSyncTime, cancellationToken);
//ASSERTION IN NEXT LINE FAILED: Expected invocation on the mock exactly 3 times, but was 6 times: s => s.Add(It.IsAny<Project>())
Mock.Get(entityService).Verify(s => s.Add(It.IsAny<Project>()), Times.Exactly(input.Count()));
In this case it seems that the same mock is used in two different unit tests at once. If I re-run the test it does not fail. Errors like these are quite rare, but all over the place in my test suite.
Now I am not even sure which technology I am using here is at fault. Is this an NCrunch problem, an NUnit Problem, an Autofixture problem?
And is there any workaround (Short of running everything in isolation or sequentially)?