FrankShearar;10622 wrote:
NCrunch: The following files were used when building this project locally but do not seem to exist on the remote grid node responsible for building this project:
Ok, this warning is a red herring. NCrunch creates these warnings when something doesn't work. It just creates a list of files that were used on the local machine vs the grid node, and lets you know of any differences in case there's an SDK you don't have installed.
I think the real problem here is a grid node package synchronisation issue. You're using NCrunch.Framework on your local machine, where it's installed under your Nuget packages. On your grid node, this file doesn't exist. There is a known problem at the moment where NCrunch isn't always transferring Nuget packages to the grid node correctly, so instead of copying the file over to the node, it just tries to build on there and assumes the package is present.
The workaround for this problem is to manually copy the required Nuget packages over to the grid node (under their expected paths for the grid node service), or to copy your solution to the grid node service and execute "msbuild /t:Restore mysolution.sln" or open the solution in VS to restore the packages.