jnm236;9819 wrote:This is a brand new installation of Windows. I needed to build for net20, so I went to "Turn Windows features on or off" and checked the .NET Framework 3.5 box.
Then I restarted. Then on a whim I tried the NCrunch installer again and it worked fine.
I hadn't run the VS installer before or after restarting the computer this time, so I have no idea why this unblocked the installer.
Ahh. Ok, this all makes sense now.
This is a known problem with the v3.2 installer. It was built with a component in the MSI that has a dependency on .NET 3.5, so if you try to run it on a machine without .NET 3.5 installed, it fails to run. This problem is fixed in v3.3 and will also be fixed in all future builds.