jonsequitur;10441 wrote:When you mentioned that package resolution is pointing to [user]\.dotnet\NuGetFallbackFolder, I tried copying files so that [user]\.dotnet\NuGetFallbackFolder and [user]\.nuget\packages had identical contents. It didn't resolve the issue.
Can you try also removing the NuGetFallbackFolder, or placing it somewhere else on disk where you can be sure it won't be picked up by any implicit search logic?
It's important that NCrunch is able to recognise the dependencies as being Nuget packages, which can only happen if they are loaded from .nuget.
Edit: Something else worth doing is to make sure you clear out your project lock files (project.assets.json) and any of their associated generated files then get VS to rebuild them. There might still be bindings reaching from there to the fallback directory.