Remco;10232 wrote:This is actually what NCrunch already does, but it still needs to represent the fixtures in the log.
So NCrunch reports tests using the syntax you've described above, and fixtures in addition to this. .
Ok this is weird, when I look in the build log, I don't see any ##teamcity message indicators at all, except e.g.
[Step 2/2] ##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='buildStageDuration:buildStepRUNNER_152:NCrunchBuildAndTest_1' value='198830.0']
or are you referring to the "bracket syntax" when you say "using syntax you've described above" ? Or is NCrunch supposed to output ##teamcity messages?
Furthermore, I grabbed the TestResultsInNUnitFormat.xml, and parsed it in another build config with TeamCity's "xml report" feature, and that produces quite different result than the config using NCrunch "out of the box" reporting:
Xml report results:Total test count: 343; total duration: 52s. Longest test duration 4s,403ms ("warm up time" I assume since this is only 1 test), then a lot of tests ~1s each.
NCrunch result as reported to TeamCity:Total test count: 550; total duration: 5s. Longest test duration 183ms.
The build step invoking NCrunch takes 3m:20s so 5s seems to be incorrect, and the "fixture setup time" seems to be included in NCrunch vstudio plugin when reporting execution times.
I would guess that the NCrunch result reported by teamcity does not include all the setup time (NUnit's [SetUp] on fixture) since that should be reported as "separate tests", and I guess maybe this is the reason the test count is so different? (also tests are using test cases and it seems TeamCity treats these as 1 test but reported as "x runs").