I have a generic test class, that I reuse for different providers...
Sample code to reproduce
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace AuthenticationProvider.Business.Tests
public class InMemoryProviderTests : UserProviderTests<InMemoryUserProvider>
public class FileUserProviderTests : UserProviderTests<FileUserProvider>
public class UserProviderTests<T> where T: IProvideUserInfo, new()
const string Usercode = "Irrelevant String";
readonly IProvideUserInfo target = new T();
public void GivenIAddNull_ItShouldReturnFalse()
var result = target.AddOrUpdate(Usercode, null);
Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(false));
NCrunch doesn't recognize the tests
See screenshot here
[1] No dots
[2] No dots
[3] Black dot, should be green
[4] Black dot, Should be red
[5] TestDriven fails for FileUserProvider
Good job guys!!!I have a couple of more feature requests, that I would like to send via email... This forum makes adding images so hard...