I was having an issue with flickering unit tests. I used churn mode to help me figure out what was going on. Pretty neat, it worked. I still don't know why the tests were flickering, but I made a change that seemed to resolve the issue.
To ensure the issue was truly gone, I wanted to churn the 5 tests in that category of tests for a minute or two to see if the issue would resurface. However, upon selecting the category and turning on Churn mode, Visual Studio went black and the cursor turned into the "circle of patience". After about 3 minutes, nothing changed--except Visual Studio eventually turned that ghostly white and the dialog popped up about Visual Studio not being responsive, restart, close, or wait?
In Task Manager, I could see that Visual Studio's process memory would fluctuate between 600 - 700 MB, occasionally dropping down to 50MB before rising again. All the while, one of the NCrunchBuildEngine processes was consuming 20% CPU resources and I could see 5 NCrunchTestHost processes consuming about 1% - 2% CPU resources. So, NCrunch was doing work. But, I'm wondering if it also caused Visual Studio to "hang".
I'm running Visual Studio 15.8.4 with NCrunch 3.20.