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Unstable Test Generation
#1 Posted : Wednesday, February 20, 2019 3:21:27 PM(UTC)
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Having installed version I now get the following message:

"NCrunch is unable to safely execute tests in this assembly because it contains unstable test generation. A previous discovery run over this assembly returned 2627 test cases, but when preparing NUnit to execute tests, there are now 2636 test cases. Usually this is caused by generating tests using TestCaseSource using random, inconsistent or otherwise unstable data."

In this case I am not using TestCaseSource and would appreciate help in resolving the problem.

I have many test files that look like this:

using NUnit.Framework;

namespace BS4Library.DataLayerTests.HotelUpdates.GetHotelUpdatesFromTours
public class Tests305 : GenericTests
private const int TestNumber = 305;

#region Tests

public void TestWithoutPackages()

public void TestPackages()

public void TestMealPlans()

public void TestQuoteTourClasses()

public void TestDepartments()

public void TestParams()


#region Private Methods


They inherit from:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using ASCLibrary.Security.BusinessLayer;
using ATG.Constants;
using BS4Library.DataLayerTests.Setup;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace BS4Library.DataLayerTests.HotelUpdates.GetHotelUpdatesFromTours
public class GenericTests : AssertionHelper, IDisposable
private SecuritySession _ses;
private ThreadSession _myThread;
private DataLayer.HotelUpdates.HotelUpdatesDataAccessor _da;
private bool _disposed;
private const string LocalHost = "localHost";
private SetupHotelUpdateLines _testing;

#region Tests

internal void WithoutPackages(int testNumber)
using (var testing = new TestingSetup())
foreach (var test in _testing.HotelUpdateLinesPackages(Constants.HotelUpdateLineTestData.FromTour, null, testNumber))
var records = _da.GetHotelUpdatesFromTours(test.Key, SetupHotelUpdateLines.CancelDays);
testing.CheckHotelUpdateLines(records.ToList(), test.Value);

internal void Packages(int testNumber)
using (var testing = new TestingSetup())
foreach (var package in _testing.Packages)
foreach (var test in _testing.HotelUpdateLinesPackages(Constants.HotelUpdateLineTestData.FromTour, package, testNumber))
var records = _da.GetHotelUpdatesFromTours(test.Key, SetupHotelUpdateLines.CancelDays);
testing.CheckHotelUpdateLines(records.ToList(), test.Value);

internal void MealPlans(int testNumber)
using (var testing = new TestingSetup())
foreach (var mealPlan in _testing.MealPlans)
foreach (var test in _testing.HotelUpdateLinesMealPlans(Constants.HotelUpdateLineTestData.FromTour, mealPlan, testNumber))
var records = _da.GetHotelUpdatesFromTours(test.Key, SetupHotelUpdateLines.CancelDays);
testing.CheckHotelUpdateLines(records.ToList(), test.Value);

internal void QuoteTourClasses(int testNumber)
using (var testing = new TestingSetup())
foreach (var tourClass in _testing.QuoteTourClasses)
foreach (var test in _testing.HotelUpdateLinesTourClasses(Constants.HotelUpdateLineTestData.FromTour, tourClass, testNumber))
var records = _da.GetHotelUpdatesFromTours(test.Key, SetupHotelUpdateLines.CancelDays);
testing.CheckHotelUpdateLines(records.ToList(), test.Value);

internal void Departments(int testNumber)
using (var testing = new TestingSetup())
foreach (var department in _testing.Departments)
foreach (var test in _testing.HotelUpdateLinesDepartments(Constants.HotelUpdateLineTestData.FromTour, department, testNumber))
var records = _da.GetHotelUpdatesFromTours(test.Key, SetupHotelUpdateLines.CancelDays);
testing.CheckHotelUpdateLines(records.ToList(), test.Value);

internal void Params(int testNumber)
using (var testing = new TestingSetup())
foreach (var param in _testing.Params)
foreach (var test in _testing.HotelUpdateLinesParams(Constants.HotelUpdateLineTestData.FromTour, param, testNumber))
var records = _da.GetHotelUpdatesFromTours(test.Key, SetupHotelUpdateLines.CancelDays);
testing.CheckHotelUpdateLines(records.ToList(), test.Value);


public void SetupData()
_testing = new SetupHotelUpdateLines();
_ses = new SecuritySession(LocalHost, "ASCTest");
Expect(_ses, Is.Not.Null);
Expect(_ses.Environment, Is.Not.Null);
_myThread = new ThreadSession(_ses, "CreateEditAssignedRole");
_da = new DataLayer.HotelUpdates.HotelUpdatesDataAccessor(_myThread, false);
Expect(_da, Is.Not.Null);

public static void ClearDownData()

#region Implementation of IDisposable

/// <summary>
/// Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
/// </summary>
/// <filterpriority>2</filterpriority>
public void Dispose()


#region ProtectedMethods

/// <summary>
/// Free the resources of the class and alter which fields get disposed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cleanManaged">Whether to dispose managed objects as well as native ones.</param>
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2213:DisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposed", MessageId = "_myThread")]
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2213:DisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposed", MessageId = "_testing")]
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2213:DisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposed", MessageId = "_ses")]
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2213:DisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposed", MessageId = "_da")]
protected virtual void Dispose(bool cleanManaged)
if (_disposed)

if (cleanManaged)

_disposed = true;


#region Private Methods


Currently only one of the test files is throwing the error. If all of them had the same error I may be able to understand it.

The problem does not occur in as the release notes for indicate that this is an extra check introduced in this version.

I appreciate that this may not be the best way to run tests, but my main priority at this stage is to resolve the error.
#2 Posted : Wednesday, February 20, 2019 8:39:15 PM(UTC)
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Hi, thanks for sharing this issue.

The problem here is that when NCrunch asks NUnit for a list of tests, it's getting a different result even though the assembly is exactly the same.

It isn't possible for NCrunch to know specifically which tests are at fault here. It also isn't possible for NCrunch itself to narrow this down to a source file. The code you've pasted above cannot be responsible for this problem because all the tests in the file are statically generated. There must be something else in this particular project that is causing this.

Run a search on the project for TestCaseSource, ValueSource, DatapointSource. These are three mechanisms in NUnit that I know can generate tests dynamically. Any tests you have using these structures are suspect. If the problem is occurring consistently enough, you may be able to turn on NCrunch logging and cross-check the discovery XML returned by NUnit inside NCrunch's trace logs to try and find which differences are triggering the error. It's probably easier to solve the problem deductively by deactivating parts of your test suite using NUnit's Ignore attribute.

You may be tempted to roll back to an earlier version of NCrunch to avoid this error. I strongly advise you don't do this. The error was introduced to alert you to a very serious problem with your test suite. Earlier versions of NCrunch would end up matching the wrong tests with the wrong results (because the test lists are different) and really crazy things would happen. When this problem exists, no result from your test suite can be trusted.
2 users thanked Remco for this useful post.
Albatross on 2/21/2019(UTC), MendelMonteiro on 5/31/2019(UTC)
#3 Posted : Thursday, February 21, 2019 3:52:05 PM(UTC)
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Thank you for the pointer on this.

I have removed some of the places where TestCaseSource is used in tests and this appears to have solved the problem.

I am not sure why the ones I changed have solved the problem, but am pleased that all appears to be running now.

Thank you.
#4 Posted : Monday, February 24, 2020 7:19:08 PM(UTC)
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You listed TestCaseSource, ValueSource or DataPointSource, but could using regular TestCase also lead to this? I am currently writing tests for a parser object and started getting this error as well but I'm only using the TestCase attribute and there's no dynamic generation for the data going in, but it happens to be similar across multiple tests.
#5 Posted : Monday, February 24, 2020 10:56:25 PM(UTC)
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ericschmidt;14468 wrote:
You listed TestCaseSource, ValueSource or DataPointSource, but could using regular TestCase also lead to this? I am currently writing tests for a parser object and started getting this error as well but I'm only using the TestCase attribute and there's no dynamic generation for the data going in, but it happens to be similar across multiple tests.

I personally can't think of a way to make TestCases do this, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. Under the hood, these are very complex constructions.

The main issue is that NCrunch is receiving a different number of tests on repeated discovery runs over the same test assembly. Usually, this is caused by TestCaseSource. It might be possible to narrow down the point of inconsistency by removing or commenting out blocks of your test suite.
#7 Posted : Tuesday, February 25, 2020 7:49:30 AM(UTC)
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As an update to my original post:

Even though I have removed all references to TestCaseSource I occasionally get this issue. When it happens I rename the tests that fail by adding 'X' to the end of the test name and then remove the 'X' when they have passed.

Doing this appears to resolve the issue until the next time that a full rebuild and run of all of the tests is triggered.

It is worth noting that the tests that fail with this message appear to be random - not the same tests each time. Also, it is not on every full build and run that this happens.
#8 Posted : Tuesday, February 25, 2020 8:37:08 AM(UTC)
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I recommend setting your Log Verbosity to detailed, then examining and comparing the trace logs that can be extracted from the discovery and test execution tasks inside the processing queue.

When NCrunch reports this issue, it does so by comparing test counts.

So it will discover all the tests in your assembly, and it will take note of the number of tests in the assembly when it does this.

Later, when it goes to execute a batch of tests in the assembly, it performs a discovery step to build the test suite inside the execution process. If the number of reported tests in the suite does not match the number of tests originally found during test discovery, this error will be shown. So the only way you're going to get this error is if you have inconsistent results during test discovery. The trace logs are the primary source of truth to this, as they include the actual XML that NUnit3 reports back to the test runner. If you can compare the XML reported by NUnit during discovery with the XML reported in the test execution process, you should hopefully be able to work out what the difference is between these sets of data and find the inconsistency.

I wanted to implement a diagnostic feature for NCrunch to do the above automatically, but it proved to be a ton of work to implement without introducing some very ugly performance issues.
#9 Posted : Tuesday, March 17, 2020 9:32:27 PM(UTC)
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Are you able to give us some pointers on where we can find the information we need in the logs? I have found the output XML from NUnit, which states the test count and discovered tests, but can't seem to find anything useful in the logs that I can compare it to to find where the discrepancy is coming from.

Note that we typically hit this problem when using the NCrunch Reset feature.
#10 Posted : Tuesday, March 17, 2020 11:51:37 PM(UTC)
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Here's a copy/paste of an extract from a log that contains NUnit's discovery data:

[12:49:18.8928-LocalAnalysisTask-43] Calling into task runner to analyse target assembly: F:\Workspaces\992\1\NUnitTestProject3\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.2\NUnitTestProject3.dll
Process 10352: 12:49:18.9112 [4] - Loading tests into NUnit3

Process 10352: 12:49:18.9636 [4] - Exploring tests using NUnit3

Process 10352: 12:49:18.9722 [4] - <test-suite type="Assembly" id="1002" name="NUnitTestProject3.dll" fullname="NUnitTestProject3.dll" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="1"><properties><property name="_PID" value="10352" /><property name="_APPDOMAIN" value="nCrunch.TaskRunner.DotNetCore.20.x64" /></properties><test-suite type="TestSuite" id="1003" name="Tests" fullname="Tests" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="1"><test-suite type="TestFixture" id="1000" name="Tests" fullname="Tests.Tests" classname="Tests.Tests" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="1"><test-case id="1001" name="Test1" fullname="Tests.Tests.Test1" methodname="Test1" classname="Tests.Tests" runstate="Runnable" seed="1819981412" /></test-suite></test-suite></test-suite>

Process 10352: 12:49:18.9796 [4] - Discovered test: Tests.Tests.Test1

Process 10352:

The <test-suite> tag is the root of an XML structure containing all data obtained from NUnit during a discovery run. If you use a comparison tool like KDiff3 to check this against the output of another discovery run, it can help to highlight the difference causing your problem.
#11 Posted : Friday, March 27, 2020 8:45:57 PM(UTC)
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Since we upgraded our NCrunch licence we ran into this. I just wanted to mention that we had tests with TestCaseSourceAttribute applied, but the classes with the TestCaseData were defined as getters of static IEnumerable properties with a simple list of yield return statements. So it shouldn't ever be an unstable number of TestCaseDatas to iterate through. What we did have was the TestFixture as a nested class defined in a partial class (the nested TestFixtures in the partial were looking at the same SUT but their code had no relation to each other, it was just for the sake of the naming hierarchy).

So I just took the partial class defs wrapping the nested test cases out and that error went away. If you have nested TestFixtures in a partial using TestCaseSources... try breaking them out.

It looked something like this (this code however doesn't seem to trigger it):

using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Collections;

namespace SomeNamespace
public partial class ContainerClass
public class Nested1
public void SomeTest()

namespace SomeNamespace
public partial class ContainerClass
public class Nested2
[Test, TestCaseSource(typeof(ParameterSetTestData), "Set1TestCases")]
public void ParameterizedSet1Test(string param1, string param2, string param3, string param4)

[Test, TestCaseSource(typeof(ParameterSetTestData), "Set2TestCases")]
public void ParameterizedSet2Test(string param1, string param2, string param3, string param4, string param5)

public class ParameterSetTestData
public static IEnumerable Set1TestCases
yield return new TestCaseData("value1", "value2", "value3", "value4");
yield return new TestCaseData("value5", "value6", "value7", "value8");

public static IEnumerable Set2TestCases
yield return new TestCaseData("value1", "value2", "value3", "value4", "value5");
yield return new TestCaseData("value6", "value7", "value8", "value9", "value0");
#12 Posted : Friday, March 27, 2020 11:33:27 PM(UTC)
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Thanks for sharing this. Out of interest, were the declarations for your parameterised data being placed in a different assembly to the one declaring the tests themselves? At first look, this is about the only way I could see such a situation generating an inconsistent number of tests. The discovery system assumes that a test assembly will always return the same number of tests even if one of its dependencies changes, unless the 'Copy referenced assemblies to workspace' setting is on.
#13 Posted : Monday, March 30, 2020 11:27:53 AM(UTC)
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Remco;14562 wrote:
Thanks for sharing this. Out of interest, were the declarations for your parameterised data being placed in a different assembly to the one declaring the tests themselves? At first look, this is about the only way I could see such a situation generating an inconsistent number of tests. The discovery system assumes that a test assembly will always return the same number of tests even if one of its dependencies changes, unless the 'Copy referenced assemblies to workspace' setting is on.

No, same assembly. And the shared settings for 'Copy referenced assemblies to workspace' is off. Unfortunately the code we were experiencing this under is proprietary; I'd love to duplicate the issue in a dummy project. I will say since the change the test suite not only runs entirely, it also is much faster.
#14 Posted : Thursday, April 16, 2020 6:32:04 PM(UTC)
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Remco, I'm trying to parse the logs from our actual test runs, and am getting unexpected results. If I click the "Reset" button, which triggers a full rebuild and test run, would I expect to see all the tests in all assemblies enumerated in the NUnit output in the logs?

The reason I ask is that I'm seeing quite a bit of inconsistency between runs, even when this error doesn't appear.

The process I'm using to gather data for a single test run is:
1. Enable "Detailed" Log verbosity.
2. Turn on "Log to output window".
3. Clear the output panel.
4. Hit the "Reset" button in NCrunch.
5. Wait until the build/test run completes.
6. Save the contents of the output panel to a file on disk.

I have repeated the process above three times, and gathered the output. I then ran the PowerShell script at the bottom of this post and used Beyond Compare to compare the enumerated tests. Unfortunately, I'm getting some significant differences in the enumerated tests.

Any idea on what I'm missing here?


$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

$allEnumeratedTests = ls *.log | % {
    $logFilePath = $_
    Write-Host "Processing $logFilePath..."
    $logs = [system.io.file]::ReadAllLines($logFilePath)

    $currentBlock = $null
    $nunitXml = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
    foreach($line in $logs) {
        if($currentBlock -ne $null) {
            if($line -match '^ENGINE - Process \d+:' -and $line -notmatch 'ENGINE - Process \d+:\s+\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(?:.\d+)?\s+\[\d+\]') {
                $currentBlock += "$($line -replace '^ENGINE - Process \d+:', '')`r`n"
            else {
                $currentBlock = $null

        if($line.Contains('<test-suite type="Assembly"')) {
            $currentBlock = $line -replace '^.*<test-suite type="Assembly"', '<test-suite type="Assembly"'
    if($currentBlock -ne $xml) { $nunitXml.Add($currentBlock) }

    $tests = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
    $nunitXml | % {
        [xml]$details = $_
        $assemblyName = $details.'test-suite'.name
        Select-Xml -Xml $details '/test-suite//test-case' | % { $_.Node } | % {
            $tests.Add((New-Object psobject -Prop ([ordered]@{ TestAssembly = $assemblyName; FullTestName = $_.fullname })))

    $outfile = "$logFilePath.tests.csv"
    $tests | sort TestAssembly, FullTestName | Export-Csv -LiteralPath $outfile -NoTypeInformation

    Write-Host "Processing of $logFilePath complete; results saved to $outfile."

Write-Host "Processing complete."
#15 Posted : Friday, April 17, 2020 12:27:34 AM(UTC)
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Nice script!

The error kicked up by NCrunch is definitely not water tight. This error is the result of the engine simply comparing the number of tests discovered during the 'Analysis task' with the number of tests encountered using the 'Execution task'. It's possible for the results of each of these tasks to be vastly different even though the number of tests may be the same.

Unfortunately the devil here is all inside the code being used to generate your tests. During discovery, NCrunch is effectively handed a set of tests that NUnit has discovered, which contains tests that have been dynamically generated using systems like TestCaseSource. NCrunch actually has no knowledge of the generation process nor any access to it - it just receives a result. It could be possible for us to make it smarter, but this would by-pass the integration and we'd be making dangerous assumptions about the structure of the test framework, which might change between versions of NUnit and break forwards compatibility.

I'd suggest inserting a System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch(); statement inside the code you have that is responsible for generating tests. This effectively lets you set an Analysis-time breakpoint in your generation code which may help with troubleshooting. Augmenting any generation code with trace logging may also yield some clues.

If the differences you're seeing in the traces show that the tests are being surfaced in a different order, know that the discovery/execution sequence is not important for stability or function. NCrunch does not care what sequence NUnit runs these tests inside the test environment - just that the list of executed tests matches those encountered during discovery.
#16 Posted : Wednesday, June 10, 2020 9:28:11 AM(UTC)
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Experienced this issue now with latest NCrunch v4.3.0.13, with NUnit 3.12. We are not using any of the Source attributes to dynamically generate tests (TestCaseSource, ValueSource, DatapointSource), only regular Test and TestCase tests. I noticed though that the issue occured right when I passed 1000 tests in the assembly that is now failing.

Here's the message we get:
NCrunch is unable to safely execute tests in this assembly because it contains unstable test generation. A previous discovery run over this assembly returned 1000 test cases, but when preparing NUnit to execute tests, there are now 1001 test cases. Usually this is caused by generating tests using TestCaseSource using random, inconsistent or otherwise unstable data.

So far, rebuilding or resetting NCrunch does not help. Also, removing tests to get below the 1000 mark does not help. The only trick I've found to work is what @Albatross suggested: temporarily rename either the failing tests or the test fixtures.

The only thing I discovered out of place with our code was a duplicate TestCase (with same values) but that was reported correctly by NCrunch. Have fixed this now. Adding additional tests beyond 1001 cases does not reproduce the issue.

- Peter
#17 Posted : Wednesday, June 10, 2020 11:31:38 PM(UTC)
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Hi Peter,

If you're experiencing this issue and can't find the cause of it, the best thing to do is to compare NUnit's discovery XML output between the analysis task and the test discovery task.

If you set your NCrunch log verbosity to 'Detailed', NCrunch will write NUnit's XML output into the trace output pane in the Processing Queue Window. Look for the big chunk of XML that starts with '<test-suite type="Assembly"' and copy/paste it into a diff tool. Check for differences between the XML content provided by these two different tasks.

NCrunch kicks up this error when it encounters an assembly that provides a different list of tests during execution vs during test discovery. In my experience, this is usually caused by inconsistent generation code held in structures like TestCaseSource. It's possible that there are other things in NUnit that might do this.
1 user thanked Remco for this useful post.
plillevold on 6/11/2020(UTC)
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