We've got a complex suite of integration tests that run in NCrunch on grid nodes that are based off 1 base class. The details (if relevant) are that we have 5 methods on the base class, and then each of our test files is a class that inherits from this class, which equates to (for example) 500 tests with 100 classes.
The scenario is that we'd like to stop just one of these methods from executing in NCrunch. We'd still like it to run on our build server (so don't want to apply the standard [Ignore]) and we don't really want to ignore them individually in the NCrunch config as that means whenever someone adds a new test class they'll have to ignore it.
It looks like there used to be a Regular Expression matcher for tests back in version 1 (if the forums are to be believed) and I wasn't sure if there was a way of being able to reproduce the behaviour. We only need to match an "EndsWith" pattern, as the method name is the same across all test classes.