What I would really love to see is a simple plugin system to implement JS unit test runners. You just need to have an instance of PhantomJS running in the background and poll the plugins. For instance have an interface like:
interface IJSTestSuite
ICollection<string> GetTestCases();
ICollection<string> GetTests(string testCase);
ICollection<string> GetTestsThatNeedRuning(ICollection<string> filesChanged);
ICollection<ITestResult> RunTests(ICollection<string> testsToRun);
You would probably need to provide a base class or a Utility class where you can get a hold of a clean phantomJS instance and let the plugin writers do their thing.
The reason I think a plugin system works best is that there are so many JS libs / test runners, etc out there and you would never be able to meet all needs. For instance I need a Closure Library test runner and I don't expect anyone to build this but I would be more than happy to implement it myself given a nice platform to do it on.
I've actually made two attempts at this the first is:
https://github.com/gatapia/jishThe second is a Resharper plugin, but resharper plugins are sooooo convoluted that I gave that up after a short and painful time.
Anyways, my 2 cents about JS continous testing.