[NCrunch Console Tool v3.31.0.3]
I am setting up a new clean build server (TeamCity) with NCrunch console and am struggling a bit to make NCrunch play nice (dotnet build works fine).
Restore before build: Should the integration server always use use dotnet restore on netCore projects, and nuget restore for non-netCore projects, before NCrunch is invoked (maybe related to item 2 below?) ?
NCrunch package restore NCrunch reports "because package restore mode is disabled", is there a way to enable it and is this related to item 1 above somehow?
Quote:[InitialisationQueueTask-150] Not restoring NuGet packages for 'D:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\....UnitTest.csproj' because package restore mode is disabled
/VS 2019 when no MsBuild16 exists: When I specify /VS 2019 as parameter so it hopefully uses MsBuild v16 (which is required by netCore v2.1.802),
Quote:[Core-15] Beginning end-to-end run of solution using tools from VS version 'VS2019'
but when running on a build agent without MsBuild16 installed, I get NCrunch build error
.csproj: System.Exception: An exception was thrown in the remote environment: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> nCrunch.Common.UserException: Errors occurred while trying to load the project file:
[10:19:54][InitialisationQueueTask-69] The target "_SplitProjectReferencesByFileExistence" does not exist in the project.
[10:19:54][InitialisationQueueTask-69] at nCrunch.Compiler.ComponentAnalysisContext. ()
Nothing from NCrunch states that it cannot find "vs 2019 build tools" or whatever it needs to build projects. If I run it on an agent with MsBuild16 installed it works fine.
Expected: NCrunch at least emit some sort of warning that it cannot find "/VS 2019" related stuff.
4) With TeamCity, I can in a build config define which build agents are compatible by using e.g. the MSBuild parameter (see picture below).
When using NCrunch however I only have "/VS" switch, and that is troublesome since no build agent has "visual studio" installed but rather build tools/msbuild.
Is there a way I can use this MsBuild path to NCrunch instead of using a "VS" switch?
