Hi there,
I recently started working at a new client, and let ncrunch have a go at one of the solutions.
It fails building several projects, and I suppose these reference each other, so one build failure triggers others.
So I started looking at one particular project, called the framework.
In the project file I found the following entry:
Quote: <Target Name="PostBuild" AfterTargets="PostBuildEvent">
<Exec Command="if $(ConfigurationName) == Debug $(SolutionDir)Templates\PostBuildEventsCopyToPackagesClient.bat $(ConfigurationName) $(TargetName) $(TargetFramework) $(SolutionDir) $(TargetDir)" />
In the NCrunch output, I found
Quote:NCrunch: If you are experiencing problems in getting this project to build, have a look at
The command "if Debug == Debug C:\Users\dirk_\AppData\Local\NCrunch\952\10\Templates\PostBuildEventsCopyToPackagesClient.bat Debug AgilitasGroup.Framework net472 C:\Users\dirk_\AppData\Local\NCrunch\952\10\ C:\Users\dirk_\AppData\Local\NCrunch\952\10\AgilitasGroup.Framework\bin\Debug\net472\" exited with code 3.
I checked the suggested url. I read that ncrunch by default does not run the postbuild events, while the error code seems to stem from this postbuild event.
I have a pristine configuration for the solution, so the "Run post-build events" still has an effective value of false.
It is a +70 project solution, with multiple internal paket packages, so no easy access to that.
What information can I give you to give me the best advise in solving this issue please ?