I've loaded a new solution I'm involved in, and went to enable NCrunch, but it's failing to load any of the projects.
They're all netcoreapp3.1, only really have inter-project references (i.e. they're not jumping about the file-system doing anything strange). The only oddity I can see is that they use a private NuGet repo, but that's all configured and working (in VS at least) where they build and run without issue.
The tests also run without issue using VS's Test Runner.
NCrunch reports the following: "NCrunch has been unable to detect specific projects in this solution"
There are projects in this solution that have not been reported as loaded by the IDE during NCrunch initialisation. It is possible that these projects are of an unusual type and NCrunch has been unable to correctly detect them, or they may be 'unloaded' in Visual Studio.
If these projects are not required for your NCrunch session, it is recommended that you ignore them using the NCrunch 'Ignore this component completely' configuration setting.
The following projects exist in this solution but could not be resolved by NCrunch during initialisation:
(lists the projects)