After several months of living with this, I've inspected this issue a bit deeper.
Issue:Having a large solution with about 150 projects and a developer machine with 16 cores and thus NCrunch with heavy multithreading, I've got a blocker many times. Asking my team members it seemed to be dependent on how many cores are used for the MSBuild building process.
Especially in the 'Run impacted tests automatically'-Mode it gets rather common:
Opening the solution or change any impacted file, the build starts running. After a short time, the CPU goes back to idle, while NCrunch states a high Engine Core Load, usually 97%. No further tests will be executed. The usual solution to this was to manually kill nCrunch.EngineHost, wipe some of the cache, etc and reenable NCrunch.
Research:I've logged the whole build pipeline and found nothing special. But while debugging the EngineHost, besides many UnauthorizedAccessExceptions, one Exception happened quite before the blocker:
Message=The expected type with identifier '10241287978610504889' was not found in this assembly
at nCrunch.Compiler.Cil.Types.CilExportedTypeTable.GetTypeById(UInt64 typeId)
Unfortunately this is the whole stack trace.
After some configuration fiddling, this is what I found out:
- This only happens with massive multithreaded build, setting "Max number of processing threads" to "1" solves the problem, setting it to below 4 loosens it. So this is definitively a thread safety issue.
- But more important: Setting "Impact detection mode" to "WatchText" solves the problem even without limiting the max number of processing threads. So this issue belongs to the "CompareIL" change detection mode.
Quick Fix for all users who currently have this issue:Configuration -> Performance -> Set
"Impact detection mode" to
"WatchText"Bugfix request:The
CilResolutionFailedException seems to happen whenever "Impact detection mode" is set to "CompareIL/default" and projects are built in parallel, losing their Type identifier. This seems to be a thread-safety issue or unhandled exception. It would be great to get rid of this build blocker whatever the solution might be.
Thanks for your support. :)