oh dear, this must be something a bit more subtle :(
I first thought i was being an idiot, and immediately set the ignore flag to false, changed to the project dependency and....
still broken :(
I have pushed the broken version to the repository and attached a screen shot (in the root of the Test folder) of the state as it appears when I have that version cloned from the repo (I cleared everything and cloned the repo as it is in GitHub just to make sure).
screenshotSorry if I'm still being an idiot!
By the way, the reason I set the ignore completely on the one project was that it was showing a build failure:
NCrunch: If you are experiencing problems in getting this project to build, have a look at
http://www.ncrunch.net/d...ing_project-build-issues..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.NET.Runtime.WebAssembly.Sdk\7.0.5\Sdk\WasmApp.targets (216, 5): $(MicrosoftNetCoreAppRuntimePackDir)='', and cannot find %(ResolvedRuntimePack.PackageDirectory)=. One of these need to be set to a valid path
which obviously isn't affecting the non NCrunch build.