I am running a rather large testsuite in combination with Verify.
Currently i run into a lot of troubles (and also in the past) when i use it in combo with Verify.
I've read this
https://stackoverflow.co...verify-nunit-be-approved and it seams to work fine,
but: if i use
(sourceFile, projectDirectory, type, method) =>
return new(
directory: Path.Combine(projectDirectory, "__SNAPSHOTS__"),
typeName: type.Name,
methodName: method.Name
It falls appart.
I know this is not in the primary domain of NCrunch, and i try to get a discussion going on with Simon Cropp.
But it's just an idea, would it be possible to add a solution configuration that just let run NCrunch in a mode where it just runs relative to the project root in explicit mode? I think this will solve a lot of tooling related troubles with NCrunch.
Maybe i miss something obvious, or its a bug in Verify. But sometimes it drives me crazy that NCrunch behaves so differently sometime (fyi: I needed to set my ncrunch root to c:\n because of the path 265 limitation)
The main reason for me to change the root dir of Verify is that i am multitargeting a blazor lib that needs to verify it's content in net.6, 7, 8 and up, but it needs to render all its html compatible, so i just want to store 1 golden master if that makes sense.
Hoping for any ideas and kind regards