Hey. First up: NCrunch continues to be awesome and one of my absolute must-have programming tools. Yay. Thank you.
My latest .NET project is an interpreter for the Rockstar programming language, and frequently when a test fails, it's because of an error in the .rock program I'm running, not an error in my .cs code.
Is there any way I can prepend a clickable file path the NCrunch test output which I can click to jump to the file/line that contained the error?
I've tried outputting the full file path, both the _AppData\Local\NCrunch version and the D:\Projects\Rockstar\ version, but the UI doesn't render it as a clickable link.
I'm assuming the links in NCrunch's test output are based on the exception stack trace or something... I've tried messing around with the exception stack trace using reflection but didn't make much headway. Is there any easy way to add/prepend my own links to the output?