We have encountered a very strange issue (it started a few months ago, maybe longer), somtimes the VBCSCompiler.exe hangs for several seconds and sometime it hangs for minutes (when compiling C# files, it happens in 4.7.2 and also in .net 8).
After a lot of investigation together with MS (PerfView, Memory Dumps, Complogs, ....) we think we have found the reason: it seems that when NCrunch and VS builds more or less at the same time or within a few seconds difference this hangs can occur.
It seems we can mitigate this issue when we assign more than one CPU to NCrunch (but the hangs still occur but less frequent), what also helps is to kill the VBCSCompiler.exe.
How many CPUs should we assign to NCrunch, how many should we assign to VS and how many fast lane threads should we use (we have an Intel Core i9-14900K with 24 cores and 32 logical processors), we only executing very fast unit tests?
Do you have any ideas why this is happening or how this can be solved, it's very frustrating and it happens on all our machines (so all my colleagues are affected as well)?
Of course I can provide the memory dumps, PerfView traces and complogs I send to MS.
Here is the issue I opened at MS: (unfortunately not all questions/responses from MS are public):
We are currently using VS 2022 Enterprise 17.11.5 (but it was also happening in older versions) und NCrunch (latest version).