I've been trying out NCrunch and really like it so far! I have two questions.
(1) Is there a way for edit & continue to work when using the debug unit test feature of NCrunch?
(2) Is there a way to get the new Fakes (specifically the Shim functionality for mocking non-virtual methods) to work with NCrunch? If I run the unit test under VS 11 RC's test runner then the test works fine. If I run the test using NCrunch I receive an error stating "Microsoft.QualityTools.Testing.Fakes.Shims.ShimNotSupportedException". The documentation for the Fakes tool mentions that the test has to be run under the Intellitrace profiler. (Read: "Under the hood, shim types use callbacks that were injected at runtime in the method MSIL bodies. Therefore, shim types must be run under the IntelliTrace profiler which is configured automatically by Visual Studio and Team Build." from the following URL:
http://msdn.microsoft.co.../hh549176%28v=vs.110%29)Any chance to work around these two issues?