So, we have done some more investigation and here is what we have found.
First, we turned off NCrunch for a few days and none of our three team members had any issues.
Next, we turned NCrunch back on and monitored it. It finally happened again to one of our developers yesterday and he remembered exactly what he had done and this morning we did some small testing to try to isolate the issue.
Some background. We are using VS2012 with NCrunch We are also using MStest tests.
It seems that if you use VS2012 to run all tests "TEST...Run...All tests." while NCrunch is enabled, it will result in all of the output from all of the projects in the solution being copied to the IDE folder. If NCrunch is disabled and you run all tests, no file are copied.
So, I am not sure if it is VS2012 or NCrunch that is having an issue, but we noticed that both are trying to build the solution at the same time and run the tests at the same time.