Hi, thanks for posting!
NCrunch can use the same workspace for multiple test runner processes, though it will never run multiple threads within the same process.
The problem with creating a new workspace for every test runner is that this means ALL projects within the solution need to be built multiple times, once for each test process. This is because NCrunch shadows only pre-built code and it relies on the build process to transform this code into an executable set of assemblies. The increase in build effort would likely outweigh the benefits you would receive from the parallel execution, as the build is quite resource intensive and involves a large amount of I/O activity.
If your tests don't support working in the same workspace at the same time, you can disable parallel execution for the solution to prevent them conflicting with one another. A better alternative would be to design the tests in such a way as to avoid them conflicting (i.e. if they are sharing the file system, make sure they randomise the names of any output files they use). You can also mark the tests using the
ExclusivelyUsesAttribute to allow more granular concurrency constraints.
I hope this helps!