I'm using VS 2012, NCrunch, and xUnit and writing TDD, with svn as the repo.
It's probably a matter of I just have to get this worked into my workflow, train myself.
But what I'm seeing is as I'm coding, I'm adding files as needed, and running my tests. I have `C+t` and `CS+t` bound to NCrunch: Run Test, and NCrunch: Debug Test in new processes.
So what's happening is I'm no longer firing off a full build, even before I commit; maybe I've gotten too lazy or spoiled :-D The result is that my project changes where I'm adding and/or removing files are not saved.
This causes two potential problems:
- I'm not committing up the changes I should be (I usually catch that)
- When I update before committing, sometimes my changes get clobbered because someone else committed project changes and I haven't saved mine locally.
Again I know I can "fix" my habits and workflow, but I'm curious if there's a setting in NCrunch or VS that would help me out here?