I've built a solution with three projects, using
libgit2sharp. The solutions are:
1. A class library, referencing libgit2sharp (with a post build event, which copies the native git binaries into the build directory).
2. A console project, which calls a method in the class library.
3. A test project, which calls the same method.
Obviously this setup is analogous to a real situation, where I have a class library (which internally uses libgit2sharp) and an actual project which uses this library.
When I run the console project, and when I run the tests with the built in Visual Studio test runner everything is fine. However when I run the tests they fail with this message:
Quote:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets (4291)#0: The command "
if not exist "R:\8556\25\GitClassLibrary\bin\Debug\NativeBinaries" md "R:\8556\25\GitClassLibrary\bin\Debug\NativeBinaries"
if not exist "R:\8556\25\GitClassLibrary\bin\Debug\NativeBinaries\x86" md "R:\8556\25\GitClassLibrary\bin\Debug\NativeBinaries\x86"
xcopy /s /y "R:\8556\25\packages\LibGit2Sharp.\NativeBinaries\x86\*.*" "R:\8556\25\GitClassLibrary\bin\Debug\NativeBinaries\x86"
if not exist "R:\8556\25\GitClassLibrary\bin\Debug\NativeBinaries\amd64" md "R:\8556\25\GitClassLibrary\bin\Debug\NativeBinaries\amd64"
xcopy /s /y "R:\8556\25\packages\LibGit2Sharp.\NativeBinaries\amd64\*.*" "R:\8556\25\GitClassLibrary\bin\Debug\NativeBinaries\amd64"" exited with code 4.
I'm not too familiar with post-build events, so I'm not too sure what this is about. But it's definitely something NCrunch is doing that neither a vanilla run or the VS test runner do.