I've upgraded from RhinoMocks 3.0.1 to RhinoMocks 3.6.0 and started getting this warning:
Quote:QattHarnessTests: Assemblies are being referenced from the build output directory of other projects in this solution
The following assembly references have triggered this warning:
I have read Remco's explanation of this in
another forum post. As proposed in that post, I have built the project from the command-line:
Quote: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe .\QattHarnessTests.csproj /v:d
but nothing in the output of that build gives me a hint of what's wrong.
The project is QattHarnessTests.csproj and the HintPath for RhinoMocks is correct, i.e. it is an absolute path pointing outside of any build-output directory. (c:\p4_ws\ThirdParty\vc8-win32\RhinoMocks-3.6.0\Rhino.Mocks.dll). Does the warning message mean that QattHarnessTests is ignoring the HintPath and instead referencing RhinoMocks from the build-output directory (C:\p4_ws\ferencis_tt\dev\test\HarnessTests\
bin\x86\Debug\Rhino.Mocks.dll)? I can't see anything in the output of MSBuild that suggests this.
I can share the output of MSBuild; what's the best way to share an 800k file here?