Hi NCrunch.
Yesterday I experienced a weird issue.
When I used a local path (Resources\folder\data.txt) the file was 7583 bytes, whereas when I used the full path (C:\source\project\Resources\folder\data.txt) the file was 7580 bytes.
I know NCrunch moves the files to some user\appdata\ location, but when this happend, the file was also altered in some way.
I ran the exact same test with resharper to verify, that this was a NCrunch issue.
The test was pretty simple:
var bytes =
@"C:\source\project\Resources\folder\data.txt"); //I also tried with the bin/debug folder, same result
var bytes2 =
Assert.AreEqual(bytes, bytes2);
Resharper ran this test and succeeded, however NCrunch added 3 bytes to the relative path file, the one it moved, so the test failed.
I cannot reproduce this, as a restart of visual studio fixed the problem.